Assembly of Turkish American Associations



Assembly of Turkish American Associations is the umbrella organization to create cohesion and cooperation between the large numbers of social/cultural Turkish American organizations around the United States. ATAA informs the Turkish American community on how to foster Turkish-American relations. ATAA informs (promotes) a balanced and truthful picture of Turkey in the US.

Created in 1979, ATAA undertakes educational workshops/seminars and conferences on a variety of political, social and economic issues facing Turkey, establishes the cultural events in promote Turkey's rich cultural heritage, and publishes reference material regarding Turkey and the Turkish American community.


ATAA was founded in 1979 and has quickly become the voice and advocate of Turkish Americans in the United States, Canada, and Turkey. Ever since its foundation, ATAA continues to grow rapidly to serve the Turkish American community. As an influential and fast growing organization, ATAA also has been successful in improving and strengthening relations between the United States and Turkey.

A growing number of supportive members has been contributing to the success and growth of ATAA through monetary and non-monetary donations. Financial support also comes from the ATAA Endowment Fund, which was established to ensure the sustainable growth of ATAA.

ATAA has its missions and objectives. Therefore, it proactively initiates or engages in several activities in an ethical and socially responsible way. Activities include but are not limited to educational seminars for Turkish American communities on grassroots advocacy and civic leadership; conferences on contemporary political, social and economic issues related to Turkey and US Turkish relations; and cultural events to promote Turkey's rich traditions, art, and heritage.

Besides its rich activities, ATAA also regularly publishes reference materials on important issues regarding the Turkish American community. One of its publications is the quarterly magazine called "The Turkish American".

Its interactive and appealing website provides relevant first-hand information on Turkey related issues. Its email communication network is an effective communication tool to build a two-way relationship with its members.


Members benefit from being part of ATAA in many ways. Part of the membership package is the ATAA E-Newsletter, the ATAA Grassroots Information Service (GIS), and ATAA Action Alerts. Besides those incentives, members help with their contributions, support, and engagement make ATAA a successful, credible, and reliable organization with a nationwide positive impact.

Reference Center

The ATAA Reference Center allows the general public to get fair, balanced, and truthful information on any hot topic that positively or negatively influences the image and/or reputation of Turkey and Turks worldwide. For example, many scholarly debates on the Armenian Allegations are discussed and elaborated from different point of views.